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Land Pooling Policy

    1. The government introduced a plan called the land pooling scheme to make sure landowners are involved in building roads and other things in their area. Under this plan, landowners can choose if they want to use their land for homes or shops.
    2. Landowners can pick the size of the plots they want. For example, if they had 1 acre of land taken, they can choose plots of different sizes like 500, 400, 100 square yards, or others.
    3. But if the land is for shops, the landowner can’t choose the size. The shops will be given out based on size, starting from big to small.
    4. They’ll decide who gets which residential or commercial spots by doing a lucky draw.
    5. Landowners can sign up for the land pooling plan together or separately.
    6. If the land taken is between 10 and 40 square yards, instead of a plot, they’ll get a booth. The government will build these booths, but landowners have to pay for it first.
    7. Special LOI
      • i) If the land is less than one acre, the landowner can choose to get cash or a Special LOI they can sell later. They might have to pay a fee if they sell it.
      • ii) If they take cash instead of land, they’ll still get some plots later.
    8. Some other important things:
      • A. Money from selling common land will go to the village.
      • B. If a landowner buys land somewhere else in the state, they’ll get electricity first.
      • C. If they use the cash to buy land somewhere else, they won’t have to pay certain taxes.

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